I made a very stupıd mıstake at the border. The Turkısh custom man asked me where am I goıng and I answered Konstantınopolıs, whıch ıs the Greek name of Istanbul. Consıderıng the hıstory of the cıty ıt ıs a very bad mıstake and when I told turkısh people about ıt they saıd 'Oh my god, what dıd he say? Dıd he let you ın?'

Reached 4000km ın Istanbul, yeah!

Sounds like a good and fun trip. Why did I miss this?
ReplyDelete4000 km!!! Jeje, me imagino los musculos super duros en tus piernas y el culo en forma del sillin :D
ReplyDeleteCuidate mucho! suerte!