Albanian crew interested in me and my bike.

I have a new tactic when I reach a town that I want to sleep in. I buy a beer and look very open to socialize. Then people come and ask me about the bike and where I come from. After a while I say that I have nowhere to sleep and it happened two times that people were offering me room to sleep. Above is from a store where the store owner let me sleep.

Little guy cleaning the windows of the store I was going to sleep in.

The store owner tried to explain how to get from one town to another.

The store owner invited me to beer with his friend. I was a bit scared after going with him in his car, because he had 5 beers. And I have never seen somebody smoking so much. Constantly. 3,5-4 packages a day he said.

Entering Macedonia. The border guy was asking me for documents of the bike and I said I didnt have any. He said "Oh, big problem". Then he laughed his ass of when he realized I came by bicycle and not motorbike as he thought.

Dead snake.

Me and some traditionally dressed up Macedonians.

Entering Greece.

First sign in Greek - hard to understand.

No, I didnt get the oportinity to drive it, but I was at the back, without helmet like a real Greek. I was a little scared yes.

Dog having sex with a teddy bear in Edessa, Greece.
And now I am in Thessaloniki, couchsurfing again. Tomorrow I continue, direction Turkey. Maybe I will reach Istanbul in one week and a half or something like that.
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