Monday, January 18, 2010

I arrived to Singapore!!

So I finally arrived to Singapore. Totally fantastic of course. It is amazing to reach a goal you have been working for so long. Here in Singapore the pace hace been kept up through holding presentations about the trip for different organizations. In fact, the last week has been totally amazing. Feels like a good reward after the sometimes tough cycling.

I was waiting and waiting to see the first sign of Singapore. That never happened. In Malaysia, "Woodlands", a district in Singapore, was the only sign that appeared. Small disappointment.

Here is at the border point in Johor Bahru, the last point in Malaysia.

And here I cross the bridge from Malaysia to Singapore. That was cooool.

Singapore is expensive. A looot more expensive than countries like, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia. So I have gone back to the baked beans for lunch or dinner as always European and other expensive countries. Not that I have missed them but... dont taste that bad.

This is the National Library which I live very close to. It is sooo fancy. Cant believe the facilities are for free. I always sit in this "Study Lounge" on the 5th floor and use the wifi. Here is were I am acutally writing this at the moment.

I met a professor in psychology to discuss the psychology behind cycling. He was cycling quite a lot too so that was really interesting.

A new found friend took me to a very fancy bar in Singapore. And it was totally amazing - he knew the owner of the place so I sat at the VIP-table and could order whatever I wanted for free the whole night. Talk about contrasts.

And the Swedish football team and Champions, AIK, was in Singapore at a training camp. So they came to this restaurant/bar also. It was really funny, they wanted to take pictures with me before I even asked to take pictures with them. This is captain Daniel Tjernstrom.

And here Dulee Johnson. Haha, he bought me drinks even though I had access to the VIP-table. That was a great night.

My friend Martin playing clarinet at a restaurant

Here is were I am staying. It almost feels like sleeping outside since the room only have three walls. That's fine.

During this week I have kept myself very busy with talking about my trip for different organizations, like universities and companies. Here is at TetraPak.

The audience.

And here is after holding my presentation for the two IKEA-warehouses here in Singapore. That was great fun. IKEA is something special. The founder Ingvar Kamprad is a man I really look up to. I could integrate a lot of his thoughts in my presentation.

So I will be here in Singapore for a week more or whatever and visit some other companies, the Swedish Church etc. Then I will start the journey back, and probably stop at HongKong or Shanghai. I have not really figured it out.

Thanks for reading.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

My time in Malaysia. It is soon over. 199km to Singapore.

So, here is a summary from my time so far in Malaysia. Now I have only 200km to Singapore, that is two days. I think I will reach on Wednesday. When the cycling is tough it feels great that it is so few days left, but like today, when the cycling is so nice, it feels really sad. I will miss everything of course.

The cycling in Malaysia has been great. Couchsurfing was availiable again, and people speak English (unlike in Thailand). I will also show some pictures from one of the best things during the whole journey - my presentation at Ericsson.

Cute little one.

People in Malaysia always shout "Welcome to Malaysia" on the roads.

Nooo, one spoke got snapped again. Same problem that made me not being able to continue with the bicycle in India. However here I had an extra spoke and the Thai bike mechanics know their stuff. So much smaller deal than in thought.

Couchsurfers designer home.

Beautiful Taiping Lake.

Funny story connected to this one: I asked this man to take a picture of me. He then asked me where I started my journey from. I said Sweden. He asked: "How long did it take you to reach here?". I said around six and a half month. He then said: "Oooooh, so you're going very slowly".

OK, I will watch better how I park my bicycle next time.

Oh my god. The day before I just reached the place to stay one minute before a huuuge rain started. I was very nervous when I saw this coming closer. But somehow I managed to keep it behind me for the last 20km and it started just when I reached the place to stay again.

In Kuala Lumpur I held a presentation for Ericsson. My first presentation for a company.

Jan Signell, President of Ericsson South East Asia, held an opening speech, talking about the core values of Ericsson and sustainability.

Then it was time for my presentation. The audience consisted of the team of Ericsson South East Asia, customers and media.

I showed pictures and told stories from my journey. I also shared my reflections in goal setting, the importance of taking the step, identifying critical steps, overcoming setbacks and pushing the limits.

My presentation was then tied together with the three core values in Ericsson: Respect, Perseverance and Professionalism.

Signell thanks me and gives me the latest Sony Ericsson mobile phone. Woow, I got so happy.

After the session, media had time for asking questions and make interviews. I appeared in a couple of articles and a report in newspapers and a lifestyle magazine.

The same day but during the evening I met with a cycling magazine in Kuala Lumpur. They introduced me to Velomad, a couple who has been travelling the world on bicycle for four years and plan for another four. One part is the lady in yellow shirt and the husband couldnt participate at the dinner.

Passing by close to the Sepang F1-circuit outside Kuala Lumpur. OK, I like F1.

In Melaka I stayed with Anna and her family, who had lived in Sweden for some years. She made me Swedish meatballs from IKEA!

Anna also introduced me to the cycling community in Melaka. Here a dinner at her place.

They laugh at my bicycle. They couldnt believe I went from Sweden with that 550 Euro bicycle. It was crap for them. One of them had a bicycle as expensive as 4000 Euro. Insane.

Buddy by the road.

So when I get to Singapore I plan to stay there for slightly more than a week. Last days I have been busy fixing my schedule. I will meet a lot of interesting people, companies and a university.

The plans after Singapore has long been unsteady. However, it would feel very stupid to go 7 months to Singapore and then fly back 1 day. It would be very tough mentally to come back to Sweden even though I miss a lot from home - mostly people. But recent updates from family says it is very cold and snow. Noo, I will stay away until April. I will most probably go by bus/train to Kazakhstan and study Russian there for at least one month. Not that it is much warmer there, but at least the journey home will not be that fast. Well, I will have reason to come back to this issue, because I dont exactly know what will happen.

Now 2 days more and then the goal is reached. Let's see how it feels when I get there. Probably a mix. Happy to have reached the goal. Sad that it is over. I get back to that one too...´

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Viktor Predan