They transport all kinds of things on the road. This was a huge bastard. I suppose it is a train wagon.

Buffalo(?) enjoying himself.

Haha, this is my friend. I met him on the road. He is so kind but a little retarded I think. He is a farmer. He calls me every now and then. "Hiiiii Viktor. How aaare you?". Me:"Oh, hi my friend. How are you?". He: "Fiiiine". Me: "And your family?". He: "Fiiiiine. Everyone is fiiine". He again: "Welcome to my house". Me: "Oh, thank you, but I am a little far away. He: "Ok, byeee". Me: "Byeee". And that is it. And sometimes he sends me text messages, for example this one: "I Am Pray to God With You Your Mission and All Dhe Best My Friend".

One couchsurfer that I met had a cotton factory or something. This is inside the factory. The working conditions are a little sad. This is one of the workers and he earns around 2 euros a day. But the worst thing is that he works 12 hours a day and 7 days a week. And the noise from the machines inside there is horrible. 2 minutes there was enough for me. That was very sad to see.

The owner of the factory. He was a soldier in the military and participated in the war between India and Pakistan. He got shot in the shoulder but survided. That was a tough man.

On almost every truck it says "Horn please" or "Blow horn" or something similar. They use the horn aaall the time.

I stopped by the road and wanted to take some pictures of the kids playing cricket. They all got extremely exited and started to shout and dance and completely forgot about the game. They were all running against me and I had to escape as fast as I could.

The bulls are usually painted in different colors.

Another man. He couldnt understand why I wanted to take a picture of him.

It is so hard to make some Indians take a picture. They just dont know how to use the camera. When I give the camera to them they think they are recording a movie because of the screen. So they walk around with the camera and tells everyone to wave. It was funny in the beginning but now I get frustrated. As seen on the picture I try to tell him to press the fucking button.

Rain, rain, rain. But the rain is warm so actually there is no problem.

The monkeys crossing the street. Oh my god, first time I got so scared when I saw them. Still I think they are very disgusting. Look at the tail. Blää, horrible.

Another man.

It was suprising to me how heavy work the women do. Here at road construction.

Me being recorded by the state television, just telling a little about the trip. They are fascinated that I go on an Indian standard bicycle.

And here on TV. Wohoo.

A guy, Mayur, who I met on the road invited me to his house. He was a very funny man working with insurance. Here I am eating with his mom and her sister. Mayur always had funny comments when we drove around in his car. He was always talking about how crazy the Indian traffic is, for example: "Look at this fellow. He doesnt care about anything, he is only enjoying his riding".

Name of my bicycle is Dhoni - just like the captain of the Indian cricket team obviously. It is working fine actually. Now we have already made 500km together. I think I will go with him in all India and Bangladesh, sending the other bicycle to Thailand. Maybe I will regret that.

This was funny. I was taken to Lions club which is some social club active all over India. They got all exited about the trip and was gonna write about in the local newspaper. Nowdays I am giving interviews all the time. This is not my bicycle however, I didnt want to cycle it to the place so we improvised something.

Indian marriage.

I stayed in the birth town of the Indian president so her birth house was the biggest attraction in the town. After talking to the security guard a little he invited us for a tea in the garden of the house.

A monkey at some tea place by the road.

Yesterday I stayed with a big family. It is not uncommon that 3 brothers or sisters with their families live together.
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